Earlier last month, E. and I had an amazing time in Florida in the company of Rebekah and her husband F. They live in Tampa and we stayed there a little bit before and after taking a road trip down to Miami and the Florida Keys together.
Florida is still very warm in September and it is also quite humid in general, meaning not only some incredibly frizzy hair but also the perfect condition for mosquitoes. Luckily, my mum had sent us an amazing French mosquito repellent spray and it worked wonders. Else, I think we would have been covered in bites.
We spent a fair bit of time relaxing with our friends at their house, cooking delicious things for each other and going food shopping (I love checking out supermarkets when I travel to a different country and I almost get lost every time we visit one in the USA, it is just so big!).
We also did a bit of local exploring in Tampa and St Petersburg together and I thought I would share a few things here.