Click HERE for the recipe Let's start the month with something sweet. With such a thing as these delicious clementine and tonka madeleines perhaps?
Click HERE for the recipe As my third Christmas recipe and last blog post for this year, here is something delicious to make for the holidays or wrap into edible gifts: apricot and pistachio tonka bean biscotti.
Click HERE for the recipe I could not finish the year without another adaptation of my chocolate chip cookies, this time a holiday version with a recipe for gingerbread chocolate chunk cookies.
Click HERE for the recipe For the holidays this year, I have decided to share not just one but three delicious recipes for little things you can make for yourself or gift to people, starting with these easy-to-make apricot and hazelnut blond chocolate mendiants.
Click HERE for the recipe The second recipe I want to share this month is for those delicious pistachio and white chocolate cookies. They are based on the same recipe I used for this wonderful chocolate chip and sea salt version I shared earlier this year. Maybe it will be a lockdown special from now on, one new cookie recipe per lockdown. And I obviously hope we do not get too many (of the lockdowns, not the cookies).
Click HERE for the recipe I have been baking some delicious sweet things lately. I did not know which to share first on the blog so I ran a little poll on my Instagram account stories last week: pear & hazelnut or white chocolate & pistachio?
There were quite a few votes but at the end, the former was chosen by a very short margin. Hence I am sharing this delicious recipe for pear and hazelnut praline galette today. |
Hello! I’m Yolene, a French blogger based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Welcome to my blog Crème de Citron. This is where I share lifestyle, travel and food stories. Copyright © Yolene Dabreteau, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. CATEGORIES
February 2021