If there is a season I really enjoy and look forward to every year, it is this one. I eagerly look at the weeks passing by during the Summer until we reach 21st September (which I still consider the first day of Autumn) and I can exclaim: hurray for the cosy season of warm jumpers, delicious pumpkin soups, blackberry picking, walks on crunchy leaves, apple desserts and all of the vibrant yellow, orange and red colours everywhere!
This is the season where I feel I can slow down a bit and enjoy everyday's little things until the rush of Christmas hits us (I have nothing against Christmas by the way; I quite enjoy it but it just goes a bit too fast for me). This does not mean I take a three-months holiday obviously but the idea is to make things nice and cosy enough to appreciate at the end of work days and weekends.
So how do I go about planning the next three months and getting ready for this beautiful season? Here are a few of my tips (and you do not have to go along with it, this is just a starting point to then make your own Autumn plans):