I am back here with my little Saturday links for the first time in 2018. I have been taking it easy these past couple of weeks as I somewhat felt a bit more drained after coming back from my holidays than before (yes, I know it is meant to be the other way around...). So, I focused on beautiful things instead and relaxed with good food and books (to balance with work days).
- This beautiful and touching story my friend Jamie wrote about cooking for her brother (I read this last year when it was published and had kept it in a corner of my 'beautiful things to read' box - as I chose 'bienveillance' (kindness) as a word for 2018, it felt appropriate to share Jamie's story first thing here).
- These lovely comments about friendship.
- An interesting article if one of your goals for 2018 is to make your year more mindful.
- I made this crazy delicious tomato soup and it is voted one of our favourites at home.
- At a time of year when people focus a lot on new resolutions, I prefer talking about goals.