When I was younger, on a autumnal Sunday, my mother would take my younger brother and I for a walk to the nearest park. She would take a small wicker basket with her and then, we automatically knew we were going to pick wild blackberries. At the time, the town where I am from in France was not as big as it today. You would walk ten minutes and be in the 'country'. We would come back home really proud of our treasure, our hands purple with the juice of blackberries (and sometimes our mouths as we could not resist eating them on the way). My mother used to make delicious jams with them, so nice on crusty bread and butter for breakfast!
(Now, the town has become quite big and lots of houses were built all around it and sadly, the many bushes of blackberries do not exist anymore.)
So I stayed home to finish a bit of photography work and update my virtual shop. As editing photos can be quite intense at times, I was getting really hungry. And I was craving something rustic. Rustic like a nice ploughman's sandwich and a berry and nuts dessert.
I had some nice blackberries around (it is the season after all!). So I decided to use them in a clafoutis, and created a nice hazelnut sugar to sprinkle on top. So lovely, warm and comforting!